Thursday, February 19, 2009
Kara's World
Kara is already 26 months old. She is growing so fast right before our very eyes. You know I did not know how much a child could touch your life until I had her. She is becoming quite the little girl too. She can make you laugh when you are having a rough day and forget what you were upset about. Kara is a hoot trying to become miss independent. We all know times goes by so quickly so I wanted to share some of Kara's world with you.
Watch out for puddles! Kara will find them wherever they Splish, Splash.
While it maybe getting harder to feed Kara these days she certainly has her favorites that we can fall back on: sausage, rice, yogurt, macaroni n cheese (or noodles). She is so cute when we go to a restaurant she wants to do her own ordering. She really enjoys meeting Tom for lunch during the week. Almost every time we get in the car to run errands Kara says "go to lunch with daddy"?!
Who knew at 2 what kids would say! Some of her favorite phrases right now are: I'm awesome! That's perfect!Ummm I don't know, Oooo what was that? What happened? No big deal. It’s okay daddy. Probably. Know what I mean, mommy. Sorry I didn't mean to Mommy. And my personal favorite I love you whole bunches!
How many books can a child have? Not enough according to Kara. She loves to read and be read to. I cannot tell you her favorite, as it changes from day to day. This kiddo gets so excited over going to the library.
Do the hokey pokey. Turn yourself around. That's what its all about! Yes this song has entered our home and is not going anywhere soon!
Kara has taken an interest in watching videos. While her watching time is limited she absolutely loves the Backyardigans! I love watching her when the music comes on and she does her little dance with them. She always says she's Tasha!
Kara has a new addiction. She has discovered how much she loves slushes. The other day she and Tom had this discussion:
Kara: Daddy I want a slush
Tom: You do!?
Kara: yeah! My own. (pointing at herself)
Tom: How old do you have to be to have your own slush?
Kara: Have to be 2! I have my own slush
Car preference? Yes! Kara would rather ride with Daddy in his “zoom zoom” (and no its not a Mazda)
We know she is all girl! Kara loves to go shopping. If you ask her what her favorite stores are she will till you Toys R Us and Target.
Kara does have issues pronouncing some of her words. The cutest of which is pep peeps (pepsi). For drink she says wink, and the word truck is said with a F (oh no!).
Coloring has to be Kara’s favorite activity. She has used up every page in my notebook lately. Now she has her very own, but would rather be coloring in the one I am using.
If you want to entertain Kara for hours all she needs is some wet wipes/tissues or paper towels. How odd! They call her the tissue queen at the doctor's office when I visit them. Who needs a blanket to wrap your baby or animals in?
She is starting to have an opinion about what she wears. I think she would prefer that everything has pockets. lol That way she has a place to put all her stuff she wants to take with her. While shopping she will pick out things she likes, I will say to her how about this one? She says "no mommy I like this one!"
Kara has been given some more nick names. She will always be Kara bug, but I have started calling her pumpkin paya and chicka chicka. Where did these come from? Every time I get into the medicine cabinet she wants the papaya enzyme tables, she calls them pumpkin paya. And for chicka chicka, this came from her alphabet book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
Oh Kara now has a baby growing in her tummy! She will lift her shirt saying mommy feel my baby sister/baby brother. He is sleeping or she is moving. "You feel it"? She will ask us to sing it a song or give it a kiss. How cute is she! :)
Potty training is going great. She is wearing a pull up at nap and night time. She gets all excited when she is is dry. I love watching her do the potty dance!
32 Weeks
I am happy to report I have made it this far. Only 8 more weeks to go! Above is a profile pictures that Tom took of me. I figured I better document how I look at this pregnancy. I just do not like pictures of myself. If I get some guts hopefully later I will get some maternity shots with Tom and Kara in them.
I had my followup on Tues this week. Everything is great! The cramping that I am experiencing is still not uncommon. Boy, every pregnancy is truly different! The baby's heartbeat was in the 150's again and measurements were right at week 32. It was so funny, when Dr Miller was listening to the baby, it kept kicking and punching at her. Yes this baby is very active these days, especially at night when I am trying to fall asleep. I am surprised some of movements do not shake the bed and wake Tom I would not trade it for anything though it is one of my favorite parts of pregnancy. :)
On Saturday we took Kara to her very first Kidtoon. She saw Bob the Builder Skyscraper. It was not like any other of the videos we have watch with her. This particular one went from the cartoon to real life. We figured she was completely bored with it. When we asked her if she was ready to leave she said no. So we stayed for the whole show. It was so cute to see her sitting in her own seat having her very own popcorn and drink. Such my big girl!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Oh No! We Have a Junk Collector
Look at this sweet face!
Mom, you caught me!
Yes you are reading this correctly. Kara has walked around the last day putting stuff in her plastic Target shopping bag. When you ask her what she is doing she says "I'm shopping". Shopping for what? Anything thing that is important/interesting to her.
A look inside the bag:
1. Stuffed animals- frosty, ming ming (duck), honey(her dog), and a black cat (she recieved for valentines day from Nanny.2. The essentials- paper towels, toliet paper, wipes, sippy cup, and a flashlight.
3. Elmo Valentines book
4. Tastefully simple catalog- You go girl, help out mommy's business!
5. Items from her kitchen- orange cup, spoon, and knief
6. Notebook and pen
7. Craft pom pom's
8. Purse
9. Bath toys
Can you believe she is a junk collector?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
30 Weeks
After last week I was not sure I was going to make it to this point. I had my appointment with Dr. Miller yesterday and went over what I could with her. Every appt is just getting quicker and quicker after waiting an hour to see her. One thing I found very interesting is she does not know for sure that I ever had an uti. I am measuring at 31 weeks, the baby's heartbeat was in the 150's. She did say all the cramping I am having, and the dialation and effacement is not uncommon with the second pregnancy. That made me feel so much better!
A mother's joy
begins when a new life
is stirring inside...
When a tiny heartbeat
is heard for the first time...
and a playful kick
reminds her that she is never alone.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
We All Fall Down
"If I had to do it life all over again I would not wish away 9 months of pregnancy. It is my only chance to participate with God in creating a miracle."
Boy this baby of ours has had us on a roller coaster ride the last couple of days. Tuesday night I fell on the ice belly first getting out of the car. I called my obgyn for symptoms I needed to watch for just in case and was sent into labor and delivery to be monitored for a couple of hours. Everything was great... the baby was very active and the heartbeat was stable. I was not having any contractions so I was sent home and was told to come back if a number of things occurred. Well when I was trying to fall asleep for the night my stomach just did not feel quite right, then at 5am I woke up with really bad cramping/pain and diarrhea. After looking at the discharge paper I discovered these symptoms were a sign of preterm labor. (I had the same thing happen with Kara when I was induced with Cervidil). Off to labor and delivery I went to be monitored again. They did an ultrasound and said the baby was looking/doing great. With that we found out the baby is weighing in at 3 pounds 9 ounces and measurements were right on with my due date of April 13th. Next was a urinalysis... I have an uti and was having no symptoms. Who knew this could case all the cramping I was having! The nurse did an internal exam and said I was closed, no action going on. Woo Hoo! So after 7 hours of testing/monitoring I was sent home with an antibiotic to treat my infection.
It does not end here! Thursday about 2p I started bleeding. Not good. :( The office sent me in again. Dr Bishop said he would not be able to sleep if something was wrong. Thank goodness he did. Once I got there Dr Rolf-Anderson did another exam on me and discovered I was now 1 cm dilated and 75% effaced. So with that I was admitted and given procardia (a medication to stop labor) and a steroid to help the baby's lungs develop. She also gave me a fetal fibronection test and it came back positive for delivering sometime in the next 2 weeks. Talk about being freaked out! I was admitted until Saturday late morning. I was given a cervical lengthening ultrasound... the results were a 3, the nurse said they would be concerned if it was a 1 or under. The fetal fibronection was retested since it is known for false positives. It was negative, I was sent home with no medications and no restrictions. Believe me I am going to take it easy and listen to my body. I see my obgyn on Monday. I will never know if it was the fall that caused all of this. It could have just triggered it or been a strange coincidence.
Yes, sweet little one we are looking forward to your arrival but please stay in there as long as you can where it is safe and warm. We want you to be strong and healthy and every week counts.
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