Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bye "Mandos" You're in our hearts always

How do you say goodbye? I do not think you could ever be prepared to say it. Tom and I had to put our first baby girl to sleep. :( That sounds so awful! The day after we brought Adalyn home from the hospital our Mandy was diagnosed with bone cancer. It had already spread to her lymph nodes. We decided we were being selfish keeping her around for us and we did not want her to suffer any longer. She was with us for 13 years. In May 96' we got Mandy "Mandos" when she was 6 weeks old while on vacation in Tennessee 6 months after Tom and I were married.

What we'll miss about our big girl.. her sweetness, her snuggles, her kisses, her bark/howl when she wanted our attention.

Soon after we had to do this a song of Kara's came on in the car. What could bring even more tears to our eyes? The song Home, Home on the range. Tom sang this song when we bought our first home together and moved out of our apartment. Of course the words were changed like Mandos was singing it to us. "...oh give me a home where I can rome, and bark n play all day" How silly this may sound to some of you, I know!

Mandos you will never be forgotten, nor replaced! We miss you so much already.

3 Weeks old

Our baby girl is 3 weeks old! It is amazing to be how our 2 girls came from the same 2 parents and can be so different from one another. Not only in their looks but in their personalities as well. I do have to say I love to see them together though. Kara just adores Adalyn! I do not think she will go without a day being hugs, kissed and cared for by her big sister. Seeing them interact together puts a smile on my face. (Get ready for picture overload!)


A day at Paint Your Masterpiece

Today we took the girls to Paint Your Masterpiece. The last time I took Kara there she was only 6 months old. :( While we were there we had Kara paint gifts for our moms for Mothers's day. She enjoyed herself and did a great job on her artwork. Can't wait to take them back.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

2 Weeks old

We are so in love with Adalyn! We love everything about this little person who has entered our lives just 2 short weeks ago. You forget about all the cute little noises they make and the faces they put on. But best of all we love her smiles that she responds to us with. :)

Before I end this post I have to put a shout out to my "moms" group. I do not know what I would do without their caring and support. They truly have been amazing to us! A special thanks to everyone that took the time to bring us a meal. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Guess what?! The Easter bunny came to our house. :) Kara loved looking for all the colorful eggs. Especially the ones with Little People and My Little Ponies inside.

Adalyn's first easter! So small yet she needed her own special bunny jammies and easter dress. Thanks for the bow, Sarah! (awe too bad we did not capture a pic of Addy in her dress... she was not in it very long). Love those feet!!

Kara's Easter Pictures

Here is a peek at Kara's Easter pictures that we had taken on March 30th. We are just getting the email with the proofs in it for you all to see. Poor Adalyn missed out on Easter pics this year. :( I cannot wait to get the girls pictures taken together in a few weeks.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Going on an Egg Hunt

Oh fun!! Tom and I took Kara for her first Easter egg hunt at the Oregon Library. It was cute to see her running around with excitement collecting all the eggs. Although Kara did not want to hand in all her eggs at the end. She got a bag of candy and stickers for all her hard work.

Today we also had Kara color her very first batch of Easter eggs. She loved putting princess sticker on all of them. Don't you just love the surprise on her face as she saw what the colored water did to the egg? :)
Even had time to make a robot with Daddy!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Adalyn is 1 week old today!

Our baby girl is 1 week old! My goodness what a week it has been. :) The Phillips household is adjusting to having a newborn in the house again. To celebrate the big day Adalyn had to have her tongue clipped. :( I do have to say Dr. McCabe at Harbor Light in BG was great with her. Adalyn was such a little trooper.

Such a big name for a little girl.. so what does it mean?
Adalyn Jessa Grace
Adalyn: noble kind
Jessa: He sees.. the bright side of every situation
Grace: Favor; blessing

Monday, April 6, 2009

Adalyn's First Bath

Oh the sound of water running is so tranquil! Today we had the joy of giving Adalyn her first bath. She loved it until we washed her hair! (yes Adalyn is jaundice in these pictures)
This is nice :)

Not the hair!

Ahh that's better

Rod Stewart hair!

Welcome To The World

It is the morning of your life, sweet baby, and all of your dreams are just beginning.
You are a warm and wondrous gift to the world, for you are made of lullabies and love, and so many wishes come true.
You came into this life riding on the wings hope, and you are filled with stardust, and moonlight, and innocence and belief, and with all the promises of tomorrow.
May you always be surrounded by listening hearts and nurturing hands. May you know the glory of unconditional kindness and gentle teachings.
May your dreams touch the sky and may you always know how much you are loved.
Welcome to the world dear little one.

Aww.. Daddy's turn
Sweet Adalyn Our Family of 4
Kara sportin' her Big Sis shirt :)