Seriously is there anymore room!? Can I feel/get any bigger? Where did my face go? And what about beauty!? A good nights sleep would be nice! I cannot believe we have only 3 weeks before (being induced) this little bundle of joy enters our lives and ends as we know it! How exciting, yet scary all at the same time. Just a note on the pictures... it is very difficult to position and take pictures with a hubby who has an eye injury! Tom would of loved to be in them.

Life took us for a turn this past week as many of you know. Tom had a complete
retnal detachment in his left eye and went for emergency surgery on Tuesday. We will never know the reason why, there was no trauma done to it. Unless I beat him up while sleeping that we do not know about.
lol The surgeon says it can take up to a year for him to regain his sight in that eye. While you may be thinking this is no big deal at least he has the other eye to relay on, please remember Tom had a lens implant done on his right eye last Jan that cause a hemorrhage. That eye will never be the same! He will always have a constant curtain of floaters in his vision. This causes him to look off and back to get his vision to clear up for
merly seconds at a time.
Yes we have only 3 weeks before the baby arrives and so much to do, but it is all on hold. As Tom has to take it easy and strict orders of no lifting! Tom is hoping things will get somewhat normal as it gets closer as he would love to be the one driving me to the hospital. Me too! I want him to see his beautiful baby's face when it enters the world. :)
Update: Tom had a follow up appointment today (monday16th) and found out he suffered another hemorrhage with this eye. WHAT!? It is going to be an even longer rode to recovery than anticipated. And what is recovery at this point? No vision, vision like he is dealing with in the right eye? I know he has been though it before but it is something you never want to deal with again. All I seem to keep asking myself is why. I know we will never know the answers but it feels better to ask anyway. So what I said above, I pray and hope comes true.
Well this week did not end uneventful. I spent Wednesday and Thursday in the hospital. No I was not in labor! I had a migraine since Tuesday that I could not get a control on for anything so I was sent in and given dose after dose of medications. :( Thank goodness I am better now!
Love the pictures. Hope Tom is doing better.