What do these all have in common? Kara! We started out our Saturday going to
Parran's Greenhouse and Farm in Ida, MI where Kara got to pick strawberries. This was a first for the whole family! At first Kara wanted to pick all the tiny green ones, yuck! That did not last long once she picked a ripe strawberry and got to eat it. :)
Next we were off to Interstate Lanes in
Rossford where the kiddos get to bowl free for the summer.
yay was all we heard! We all were enjoying ourselves until Kara got hurt. She fell and hyperextended her finger. :( I don't think we have heard such a horrible cry come from her. She was favoring that finger but we thought we would give it some time. So on the way home we stopped for some
ice cream. Yum! She fell asleep before she got to eat
hers. Tom carried her in the house and she started to cry, "I need to go see the doctor". Poor thing! Off we went to Bay Park hospital to make sure everything was okay. After some
Motrin, an
xray and a purple p
opsicle Kara was
diagnosed with a sprained ligament in her finger. She will be wearing her splint til at least Thursday when she has a followup with Dr. Tracy.
All in all it was an awesome day! Thanks nanny and Greyson for spending the day with us. :)
Looks like you had a good time and Kara likes some yummy strawberries. Hope she is feeling better soon.