Can you believe it?! Miss Adalyn is 3 months old. We cannot help but love her toothless grin. Each day, week and month that passes has been so much fun having her here with us.
* quite the drooling machine lately
Climb up on my knee little girl

* love those dancing eyes as she drifts off to sleep
* Gets those lips a smackin' when it is time to eat!
* Has been practicing her boxing skills. Too cute to watch
* Wakes up happy and talking until you lay her down to unwrap her. Watch out cause here comes instant girl ready to eat.lol
* Loves to play pat a cake
* Discovered she has a tongue. Like to play a game with daddy sticking out her tongue and doing raspberries!
* grasping everything
* the bumble bee with spider legs is her favorite toy
* You know when she starts rubbing her nose on you she is ready to fall asleep* Likes to stand up while being held
* My most favorite thing.. giving her kisses! She thoroughly enjoys it. :)
* Who knew ceiling fans could be such a source of entertainment!
* She is Kara's Adalynie. How sweet!
While my grandparents (grandma and grandpa Florida to the grand kids) were visiting, my grandma sang some song to Adalyn. I just had to write them down. (not sure of the titles)
You're the spirit of Christmas
The star on the tree
The Easter bunny to grandpa and me
You're sugar and spice
You're everything nice
and you're grandma's little girl
though your not yet three little girl
there is no way of knowing just what your coming has meant
because I love you so
You're something heaven has sent
A tiny turned up nose
Two cheeks just like a rose
So sweet from head to toe
that little girl of mine.
She is just adorable!