Today was the kickoff for 1 of the Mother of Preschoolers meetings in my area. If you have not heard of it check it out! The speaker Beth Bryson, mom of 5 all 6 and under. Talk about inspiration! She also has a blog that I will be following along if you would like to check it out:http://www.flairforhome.blogspot.com
Ten Things I "Preach" To Myself Every Day As a Mom
by Beth Bryson
1. The Gospel- I am a 'work in progress' and designed by Christ to be a Mom to my children and a wife to my husband.
2. Rome was not built in a day- raising children is a day-to-day process and I cannot rush them to be perfectly behaved and together. Psalm 26:11-1 I will daily walk in my integrity.
3. Start fresh each day. Look at my children each morning and believe the best in them. Lamentations 3:22-25
4. Do not parent them in anger or out-of-being tired or moody. Ephesians 6:4 and Ephesians 4:31
5. Extend grace
6. Be flexible and fun
7. Strive to keep a peaceful home
8. Hug their dad in front of them, often.
9. Take some "me time" and have hobbies.
10. Meditate on the Word and pray for them, by name, daily. Prayer creates a merciful heart. (including best for child, God's plan for family)
Other points I took away from today:
- Moms need each other
- Never say never!
- Be a mom of compassion, not comparison
- Don't let life overcome us, stop and treasure the moments
2. Rome was not built in a day- raising children is a day-to-day process and I cannot rush them to be perfectly behaved and together. Psalm 26:11-1 I will daily walk in my integrity.
3. Start fresh each day. Look at my children each morning and believe the best in them. Lamentations 3:22-25
4. Do not parent them in anger or out-of-being tired or moody. Ephesians 6:4 and Ephesians 4:31
5. Extend grace
6. Be flexible and fun
7. Strive to keep a peaceful home
8. Hug their dad in front of them, often.
9. Take some "me time" and have hobbies.
10. Meditate on the Word and pray for them, by name, daily. Prayer creates a merciful heart. (including best for child, God's plan for family)
Other points I took away from today:
- Moms need each other
- Never say never!
- Be a mom of compassion, not comparison
- Don't let life overcome us, stop and treasure the moments
So thankful for meeting like these! :)
Love the be a mom of compassion, not comparision! Such a great quote!