Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Last Days!

Last days being pregnant that is. I am 38 weeks and according to my doctor can go any minute. Wow this pregnancy has gone by so fast! I am 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and a +1 station. I am being induced on Monday April 6th if I do not have the baby before then. I thought for sure I was going to have the baby over the weekend with all the contractions I was having. No such luck! In its own time.
I am happy to be at the end, but at the same time saddened. You know with all the issues being comfortable, I still love being pregnant. I know how odd! I can not believe this is my last week carrying the baby inside me. Soon I will be holding him or her in my arms! What a rode it has been too. :) Can not wait to meet you little one!

Monday, March 30, 2009

A Thomas Playday

On Friday Kara went to a Thomas the train play date. She talked about it all week. Every day she would ask "today Thomas day?". She was a hoot once Friday got here and we were getting ready to go. "yeah Thomas play date!". She was able to play with some new and old friends, play with Thomas the train, and even take a ride. More importantly she was able to eat some cheese that was cut out as trains. You know I thought going for a ride on Thomas was the highlight of her day, but while we were on our way home all she talked about was the cheese. lol She would not take off her cupcake hat! Why would she not wear this when I had outfit to match? Oh well it looks like now we can buy her some more hats and she will keep them on. :)

We have a concern with Kara... she had a sudden onset of stuttering that started on Saturday. Where did this come from? Is it normal? We could not wait to call the pediatricians office today and leave a message. We were told to give it 6 weeks and reevaluate it then. Why are we so concerned? Kara is such a big girl! Her clear speech just awes everyone we meet. We are afraid having her repeat sentences or asking her to slow down will hinder her progress. Will she just stop talking? We know she is getting frustrated trying to communicate with us. :(

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where have we been?

Busy!! I have not posted anything in over a month. For those of you that have been checking our blog and asking what we have been up to. Here it goes!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Big Girl Haircut

Today we took Kara to get her haircut at Future Wave Salon. The last few I have done and decided she needed something different. A big girl haircut is what she needed and that's what she got! Kara loves getting her haircut. Maybe it is the snacks she gets to eat while they are cutting it off. :)
Everything is always better with a snack
The back
She also got to have her first dum dum sucker. Bubble gum flavored, she gobbled it right up too!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

An Elmo Day

Today Kara got to finally wear her special Elmo outfit! She was so excited too. :) What better to do than be pushed on her tricycle and decorate some Easter eggs.

Such concentration

Kara with her finished project

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day

What a beautiful day! I got to take Kara to a play date with my "mom's group". Kara of course had a great time (and so did I)! She got to play with her friends, eat some pizza (yum!), make a craft, and decorate a cupcake with green frosting and all the sprinkles she wanted.

Monday, March 16, 2009

36 Weeks

Seriously is there anymore room!? Can I feel/get any bigger? Where did my face go? And what about beauty!? A good nights sleep would be nice! I cannot believe we have only 3 weeks before (being induced) this little bundle of joy enters our lives and ends as we know it! How exciting, yet scary all at the same time. Just a note on the pictures... it is very difficult to position and take pictures with a hubby who has an eye injury! Tom would of loved to be in them.
Life took us for a turn this past week as many of you know. Tom had a complete retnal detachment in his left eye and went for emergency surgery on Tuesday. We will never know the reason why, there was no trauma done to it. Unless I beat him up while sleeping that we do not know about.lol The surgeon says it can take up to a year for him to regain his sight in that eye. While you may be thinking this is no big deal at least he has the other eye to relay on, please remember Tom had a lens implant done on his right eye last Jan that cause a hemorrhage. That eye will never be the same! He will always have a constant curtain of floaters in his vision. This causes him to look off and back to get his vision to clear up for merly seconds at a time.

Yes we have only 3 weeks before the baby arrives and so much to do, but it is all on hold. As Tom has to take it easy and strict orders of no lifting! Tom is hoping things will get somewhat normal as it gets closer as he would love to be the one driving me to the hospital. Me too! I want him to see his beautiful baby's face when it enters the world. :)

Update: Tom had a follow up appointment today (monday16th) and found out he suffered another hemorrhage with this eye. WHAT!? It is going to be an even longer rode to recovery than anticipated. And what is recovery at this point? No vision, vision like he is dealing with in the right eye? I know he has been though it before but it is something you never want to deal with again. All I seem to keep asking myself is why. I know we will never know the answers but it feels better to ask anyway. So what I said above, I pray and hope comes true.

Well this week did not end uneventful. I spent Wednesday and Thursday in the hospital. No I was not in labor! I had a migraine since Tuesday that I could not get a control on for anything so I was sent in and given dose after dose of medications. :( Thank goodness I am better now!

Look Mommy, Birdies!

This is how I found Kara when I went to get her out of her big girl bed yesterday morning. Her head under the blind looking at the birdies outside. It did not even phase her that I walked in! Once she saw me she said, "come mere, look mommy birdies! They are cute." She is absolutely loving her new room and bed! We have been putting her in there since Wednesday night and things are going very well. We figured no time like the present with Tom being home. We know once the baby arrives in 3 weeks there will be some regression but hopefully it will go smoothly.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


The wonderful gals at Babies R Us tonight gave Kara some stickers. One of her favorite things in the world. This is what she decided to do with them on the way home...

This is her pose for the picture look:

Friday, March 6, 2009

What a Beautiful Day!

Today Kara and I went to Fallen Timbers with some friends. It was such a beautiful day we just had to get out and enjoy some sun! Kara had such a fun time shopping and running around the waterfall with her friend Caly. We found her a pink dinosaur (well dragon.. close enough) too! She has been looking for one every place she goes shopping. :)

Kara with her friend Caly

Look Mommy!

This is fun!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

34 Weeks

It is hard to believe I am 34 weeks! There is so much to do and so little time left. I am getting bigger everyday. I had my ob appointment on Tuesday this week. Everything is still looking great! The baby's measurements and heartbeat (150's) were perfect. We will probably have a scheduled induction the week of April 6th. although Dr Miller feels I will have this baby before then. Why the induction? I was positive this pregnancy for beta strep so with an induction the antibiotics will have longer to work. That makes us feel so much better! I am fine with another induction but am disappointed my doctor will not be delivering. It is spring break and she will be on vacation with her family. I follow up again in 2 weeks. :)

It was so cute to see Kara at this doctor's visit. After Dr Miller was done listening to the baby's heartbeat with the doppler Kara decided to lift her shirt so the doctor could listen to the baby in her belly. It was certainly a picture moment.. if only I was not laying on the table!