Friday, January 29, 2010

Kara turns 3!

I ask myself each time I write a post for the blog where does the time go. As much as you hear "enjoy this time, it goes by fast", you are never prepared for it. Kara turned 3 in December. She amazes me everyday! Life with her is a joy. If only we could capture the world though her eyes and contain some of her energy. {Sorry... slowly catching up. To come K bday and Christmas}
A little about Kara:

- LOVES her sissy! OK and her mama and daddy along with with a few others. LOL For the record I love that she calls me Mama!
- Thomas the train (or any train for that matter) is her favorite toy of all time. She will consider playing with little people, my little pony, cars, Lego's, dress up and her stuffed animals (more than dolls). She does like to take an animal with her to bed. The only problem with this is ... it is keeping her awake and making all the noise.

- Dinosaur Train is her favorite tv show, she looks forward to watch when she can.
- Favorite movie is of course Thomas the train. (I really find them boring, LOL)
- Saying?Can I have this .. or not?, maybe, I want ... or something. Likes to talk with her hands. I wonder where she got that from?
- favorite drink, "purple stuff" acai v-8 fusion
- Completely potty trained.Yay!! Including naps and night time
- "Kisses in the door way." I hope to never forget this! Each night we tuck K into bed. We have to stand in the doorway blowing kisses back and forth!
- Watch out if you mention shopping! She will shop til she drops. Target, Walmart, Toys R Us, Kohl's, Menard's, Home depot. "Where we going next?" She has learned the slogan! "Save big money..Menard's! Save more, spend less "Walmart".
- Has gotten pretty smart w shopping. Holding 2 items, "which one should I get?" Instead of can I get one? Thankfully we have not had any fits in the store! We just get to explain it is not on sale.
- Kara is slowing coming out of her shell. She surprises us and carries on conversations with random people
- I often wonder how much is she influenced by what I say and do. Well she truly is! I love listening to her talk to and play with Adalyn. "You need to be careful" "What you doing chica?" "I love you" "You're beautiful" "You little rascal!"
- Kara is so Kara! Caring, funny, beautiful inside and out. I love you sis a roo!

Can you tell she LOVES Thomas the Train!!

(A special thanks to Elle at for making her outfit... just wait til you see Addy too!)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy 9 Months

Miss Adalyn-ie meets 9 months old! At times it is difficult to think of Adalyn as a baby. She is doing so much and her personality is blossoming everyday.

This age came so fast for all of us around here.
- clapping
- standing
- walking behind her loin
- hears bath water and comes a zoomin' from anywhere in the house. She stands at the side of the tub until you put her in. If you want to take a shower by yourself, well those days are over! Adalyn stays in the bathroom with you. Normally this would not be a problem but she holds the shower curtain open, letting all the water out.
- Has one little temper on her! Boy she is so different from Kara in this aspect. Watch out if you take something away or not give her something fast enough. Wow oh wow!
- Babbling day and night.
- Using some sign language. Signs milk and made up her own sign for more. When she signs more she holds her hands out to her side. While doing this she signs for milk with both hands as fast as she can. Whatever works! As long as she gets what she wants. :) {Note to self: need a picture}
- Loves food! Has 6 teeth to chew with.
- Is a screamer. Not fun when you want to eat at a restaurant, let me tell ya. I look at Tom and say "who's child is this?" LOL We have learned to ask for crackers, rolls, etc. immediately!
- Oh I almost forgot to add... Adalyn is mean, mean, mean! I know that sounds so sad, but it is oh so true. Especially if you are mommy or sissy. Adalyn is constantly grabbing our hair and at our faces. We have battle wounds. She can not learn be nice fast enough!
- Clicks her tongue when she wants to give kisses. So sweet!

Who's Who?

Wow! When you look back at pictures of your first born in the same outfit, setting, age the results are amazing. :) It actually brought tears to my eyes.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Fall Fun 2009 {Part 2}

As fall came to an end so are the post of fall festivities. :( It was such a great fall!
Flietz Pumpkin Farm

Trabbic Pumpkin Farm and Erie Apple Orchard
Trick or treating at Levis Commons

The Bluebird- Waterville train

Going for a ride on the Bluebird was such an exciting trip for Kara. She loved it! She could have done without the workers in their costumes though. They were all dressed pretty scary if you ask me. We were telling Kara that the workers on the train were all pretending and playing dress up. This sweet little girl heard us telling Kara that and she took off her mask and gave Kara a hug. How sweet!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Cutest bug and bee I ever did see!

Just a little bias on this one. We decided it would be cute to dress our "bug" - Kara and our "bee" Adalyn up for halloween. It is only fitting, I know. If Kara had her way she would be "Thomas" for sure. We are going to have to get this costume for dress up!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fall Fun 2009 {Part 1}

I have a lot of catching up to do! I know you could care less seeing pictures taken what seems like eons ago, but I on the other hand have to remember why I started a blog. My girls, my family, documenting the the everyday things and not just the BIG stuff. Someday I would like to printout our blog in book form. My way of scrap booking, I guess. :) So join me in remembering the things of fall.
Their BOO! shirts (Thanks Elle!)

Booing the Neighboorhood

We have one of the best neighboors around. One day we are going to hate to leave here! One day on our front porch their was a gift bag with goodies inside. We had been booed! It was a lot of fun to partake in the booing. Kara had fun picking out the gift bag, candy and mums for our neighboor. She even had to get Spike the toy poodle across the street some snacks. A boo just for him. LOL >

Heartland of Perrysburg with my TPG