Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Chuga Chuga Choo Choo!!

The girlies and I wanted to do something special for Tom. Coming up with that "something" was not all that hard! Pictures of his girls + his love of trains and there you have it. This is what we came up with. The apple really does not fall far from the tree ;)

Happy Birthday Thomas!

Happy Birthday Babe, another year older... but one of the best years yet! You are more than the best husband you are an awesome daddy to the girlies!
We celebrated his birthday family style! lol Even a day early... K could not wait! I think she has a sweet tooth like her mommy and daddy. Or she has learned the house rule Eat Chocolate!
We ordered a special Reese peanut butter chocolate cheesecake from my friend Susan. Yummy!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

1st day of Pre-K for Miss K!

Last Thursday our Kara girl went to her first day of Pre-K! She was so excited, I do not think she could arrive fast enough. :) What could be better than a surprise meetup with daddy at school with breakfast in hand? It was so sweet before leaving I think we recieved 1,001 hugs and kisses! Adalyn told her "night, night I love you. Then when we came to pick K up for the day Adalyn let out a big scream and "I miss you!" So sweet!

Kara had a great first day! They read "If you give a Mouse a Cookie" and made mouse cookies for snack. How fun!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Quote of the Week

Life is Too Short
Life is too short
to wake up with Regrets.
So, Love the people who treat you right
love the ones who don't
Believe, everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second change,
If it changes your life, let it.
GOD never said life would be easy.
He just promised
it would be worth it

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What's for Dinner?

We had this for dinner tonight and I thought I would share. It comes from one of my favorite cookbooks: Cooking Light 5 Ingredient 15 Minute. I suggest making it your very own, we do! We make and extra portion of the sauce (I like sauce!), add broccoli, cashews, and serve over couscous. Enjoy!

Teriyaki-Ginger Pork Tenderloin

Total time: 14 minutes

1 (1-pound) pork tenderloin

cooking spray

1 1/2 tablespoons roasted garlic or regular teriyaki sauce

1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch

1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

1 (6-ounce) can pineapple juice

Trim fat from pork. Slice tenderloin into 1/2-inch thick slices; flatten slices with palm of hand. Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray; place over med high heat until hot. Add pork, and cook 3 minutes on each side or until browned.

Combine teriyaki sauce and remaining 3 ingredients, stirring well. Add to pork in skillet. Bring to a boil; reduce heat, and simmer 3 minutes. Remove pork from skillet, and spoon sauce over pork.

Yield: 4 servings

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

MOP's Kickoff

Today was the kickoff for 1 of the Mother of Preschoolers meetings in my area. If you have not heard of it check it out! The speaker Beth Bryson, mom of 5 all 6 and under. Talk about inspiration! She also has a blog that I will be following along if you would like to check it out:http://www.flairforhome.blogspot.com
Ten Things I "Preach" To Myself Every Day As a Mom
by Beth Bryson
1. The Gospel- I am a 'work in progress' and designed by Christ to be a Mom to my children and a wife to my husband.

2. Rome was not built in a day- raising children is a day-to-day process and I cannot rush them to be perfectly behaved and together. Psalm 26:11-1 I will daily walk in my integrity.

3. Start fresh each day. Look at my children each morning and believe the best in them. Lamentations 3:22-25

4. Do not parent them in anger or out-of-being tired or moody. Ephesians 6:4 and Ephesians 4:31

5. Extend grace

6. Be flexible and fun

7. Strive to keep a peaceful home

8. Hug their dad in front of them, often.

9. Take some "me time" and have hobbies.

10. Meditate on the Word and pray for them, by name, daily. Prayer creates a merciful heart. (including best for child, God's plan for family)

Other points I took away from today:
- Moms need each other
- Never say never!
- Be a mom of compassion, not comparison
- Don't let life overcome us, stop and treasure the moments
So thankful for meeting like these! :)

Wordless Wednesday

Friday, August 19, 2011

A Two Year Old

A Two Year Old
Author: Unknown
A two year old is so many things.
A tiny discoverer of butterfly wings.
A hugger of teddies, a sweet sleepy head.
And someone to dream for in bright years ahead.
A special new person who right from the start,
has a place in the family and a coarse in your heart.
And just when you think you've learned all the things,
that your dear daughter is,and the joy that she brings,
a hug or a grin comes with such a sweet surprise,
that love finds you smiling with tears in your eyes.


Where oh where has the time gone? Our Adalyn Jessa Grace is 2! She is so fun of life and spunk! ;)

She answers to any of these: Jessie/Jess/Cupcake/Sissy boo/Jessa Graca/Adalyna/ Addy/AJ/Addy J/Jessa Lyn



-knows her colors (fav is blue), most Abc's and counts to 5.
-Likes to get dressed and put her shoes on (the correct feet) all by herself
- Throws a mood swing that can be quite a sight!
-She blow us away with the really long sentences she puts together.
-Addy loves to "cuddle you", give hugs and kisses.
-Watch out if you have a boo boo! She is on it ready to help give kisses and tell you it's okay baby.
-She has a BIG heart! She will give her favorite toy to an unknown child. ie: baby in line for donuts




Adalyn has a language all her own. I know most children do. Sometimes it's only things us
"mommies" can understand! lol I think this gal has some British genes in her. She sure does talk with a "British accent".

-ha ha = a dog (our Lucy) we are not sure if this is because Lucy makes her laugh, but every
dog is a "ha ha!"

-ah ah = monkey

-I I = candy or snack

-pop= any drink. I got strange looks back in Ohio and even stranger ones here! No one in
the South seems to know what pop is! lol

-a bee= a hair band

- Whut?? how she answers to her name being called.

- pease(please),thanked you,elcome (welcome)

- When you tell Addy "I love you" she replies "you too"

- When I am looking for Tom. Addy will go around the house looking and say "Tom come!"

-"yah I do" is her answer for everything! love it!




Some of Adalyn's favorites!

-monkeys (I means LOVES!!!) "pink and new one" are new family members

-the moon and twinkle stars

- our dog (Lucy)

- to go bye bye "I go too". She so dislike shopping though!

- Elmo, Wonder Pets

- Playing pretend (dinosaurs, doctor, nap) and dress up with Kara.

- to help you with clean up, dishes, cook etc. Beware if she has a hair brush

- Singing and dancing. She refers to dancing as "rock out" and while singing she get really loud on the words she knows.




Monday, August 15, 2011

Make me say AWWW!!

My girls amaze me more and more each day! Do you ever wish you could stop time? Or if you are my husband you talk about shrinking the kiddos in the drier! lol Maybe you find yourself saying you are growing up so fast! My sweet girlies are maturing into little ladies. I am so thankful I am here to watch and go along for the ride!

We had the joy of working with Melanie at melaniepitcherphotography.com http://www.melaniepitcherphotography.com/2011/08/10/sisters-session-memphis-tn-custom-childrens-photographer/ Thank you Melanie for capturing these moments for us! This cute place in Arlington, TN was calling for the girl's summer pictures. Kara as you can see has so much fun being a little "model." Adalyn on the other hand was "all done" the moment she stepped out into the early morning heat and humidity. Poor girl! All in all we got some great pictures and could not be happy with the results!

Mama Look!

It was gorgeous out today! Kara and Adalyn could not wait to get outside and enjoy. I think is was the first time this summer I did not hear the words "it's too hot" or "I'm ready to go in" (after 2 mins!)
Kara had to try out her new "ride" (scooter) daddy put together over the weekend. She decided after ~3 falls off she "needs to grow up a little bit."
This beautiful day does not end with talking about the weather, scooter/bike rides, or going for a walk. It will end by talking about a precious little caterpillar. Yes a caterpillar! Kara found this black with yellow stripes creature in our driveway. She proceeded to hold it and say a prayer for it. "Mama, I prayed for the caterpillar to have a long, healthy 100 year life!" This friend now has a nice comfy home in a container on our counter top :) Hopefully we have a butterfly soon! {pictues were taken with phone}