Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Daddy's Day!

Just when I thought I was going to get something posted in a reasonable time my collage software gives me issues. Thanks to my creative friend Nicole for the DAD picture idea. :) I hope all the dads out there had a wonderful Father's Day!
Walk with me daddy
By: Helen Bush
Walk alongside me, daddy
and hold my little hand.
I have so many things to learn
that I don't yet understand.
Teach me things to keep me safe
from dangers every day.
Show me how to do my best
at home, at school, at play.
Every child needs a gentle hand
to guide them as they grow.
So walk alongside me, daddy -
We have a long way to go.
I LOVE seeing you with our girls, Tom! The way you interact with them, the love in the eyes, and your sweet gentleness about you. You are a truly amazing dad! The girlys and I are so very blessed to have you in our lives. Hope you enjoyed your "daddy's day" as much as we did. :) It is no lie, hands (and feet) down you are the best dad ever! We love you!

Walkin' on Sunshine

A walk around the good old neighborhood is no longer just that! It is about stopping and smelling the roses, discoveries and exploration! What an adventure it was! I wanted to share some of the things that brought a smile to my face...

*"Run fast mama so the mosquitoes don't get us!"
* The pitter patter of feet running behind me
* Finding and counting the ant house. "Look mama that's where the ants live".
* Feeling the pokey pine needles on the trees. "Stop here real quick mommy, feel it."
* Finding Mr golden sun peeking though the shade tree
* Touching the blue and yellow markings on the sidewalk
* Putting leaves in mommy's stroller basket
* Saying hi to the little birdies up in the tree
* The giggles and laughter racing mommy home. :)
Thanks Kara for reminding me it is about the small things in life! I love you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our 2 1/2 Girls

Ha we made you think! lol Are you wondering what in the world we are talking about!? Well ya see Kara is officially 2 1/2 years old and Adalyn has hit the 2 1/2 month old mark! So we thought the girls deserve their very own post about being 2 1/2 together. It is the only time in their lives they will be the "same" age. :) Just precious. We love you girlies!

Flutter Flutter

Today we made our long awaited trip to the butterfly house in Whitehouse, Ohio. To not have a freak out Tom and I explain to Kara that the butterflies may land on her, but they would not hurt her. So all the way there she kept repeating what we had told her shaking her head (and a scrunched up nose) "butterflies, they don't hurt me."

Once we had got in the room she was bouncing with joy. You would of never known this kiddo does not like flying bugs of any kind. By the end of our visit she was sticking out her hand saying "land on me!" The butterflies seemed to like me of all people. I think I had about 5 land right on me, it did not matter where. My back, shoulder and head were all fair game.

Monday, June 15, 2009

5 generations

Generations Past
by: Shannon Fahine
Days fly by quickly
and children move on.
Before we know it
the "old times" are gone.
But as we look back
at generations gone by,
We, reflect on the memories
that serve as a tie.
Binding us together
With future and past;
and building a story
that forever will last. We are so very blessed to be part of a beautiful family!

Strawberries, Bowling and the ER, oh my!

What do these all have in common? Kara! We started out our Saturday going to Parran's Greenhouse and Farm in Ida, MI where Kara got to pick strawberries. This was a first for the whole family! At first Kara wanted to pick all the tiny green ones, yuck! That did not last long once she picked a ripe strawberry and got to eat it. :) Next we were off to Interstate Lanes in Rossford where the kiddos get to bowl free for the summer. Yay, yay, yay was all we heard! We all were enjoying ourselves until Kara got hurt. She fell and hyperextended her finger. :( I don't think we have heard such a horrible cry come from her. She was favoring that finger but we thought we would give it some time. So on the way home we stopped for some ice cream. Yum! She fell asleep before she got to eat hers. Tom carried her in the house and she started to cry, "I need to go see the doctor". Poor thing! Off we went to Bay Park hospital to make sure everything was okay. After some Motrin, an xray and a purple popsicle Kara was diagnosed with a sprained ligament in her finger. She will be wearing her splint til at least Thursday when she has a followup with Dr. Tracy.

All in all it was an awesome day! Thanks nanny and Greyson for spending the day with us. :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy 2 1/2 Years!

Wow how the times flies! Our Kara bug is 2 1/2 today. Describing Kara these day... energetic, independent, smart, curious, playful, fun, funny, sharp, observant, caring, and loving.
Miss independent. I do it by myself! Loves to get her own things out of the fridge and freezer, and filling up her cup with water. Feeding Megan (our dog) has become one of her chores around the house that she gets a kick out of.
No longer likes to be called bug. :( "no I'm not a bug I'm daddy's princess".
Music, music, music.. need I say more!! Not only do we get to listen to kids songs in the car, we now have to listen to them in the house. Thanks nanny for the portable music player! :) Right now she will only listen to the little people cds. lol She knows as soon as a different voice/song comes on, "that's not little people!". Reading, loves to be read to and read to us. It is a hoot listening to her tell us the story. It is amazing how their little minds work!She is a great BIG sister! Kara loves to sit a talk with Addy. As soon as Kara wakes up in the morning she is asking where's Adalyn. I wish I could record every moment with them together.
Always their with a helping hand, even to help mommy out of the
Mac and cheese! "Yummy, yummy in my tummy, tummy, tummy." I think she would eat this at every meal. :) Kara is afraid of ants, mosquitos, and other bugs, but not afraid of snakes or frogs, Humm.. Snacks! It can be 5 minutes after we finished our meal and she is asking for a snack.
Hot wheels have become her new obsession. lol This works out to be a great "tinkle" prize!
Some funnies!...
mommy: Kara we need to go to Walmart and get a card and gift bag for daddy.
Kara: okay!
Daddy: save money, live better
Kara: Walmart! They say that on tv daddy.
(while I was away)
baby alive: I'm hungry
Kara: Mommy's not home, she will be right back. She has not realized that she is the mommy! haha.